Friday, January 31, 2020

, BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (CM1010-07E) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

, BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (CM1010-07E) - Essay Example A clear heading and numbering system should be used; usually no more than three levels are preferred in order to maintain simplicity. The abstract is best written in the present tense and gives an overall summary of the entire report; the introduction is best written in the future tense and lets the reader know what they are going to read; the body is then written in the present telling the reader what they are reading, and the conclusion is best written in the past telling the reader what they have read. The style and tone of the report is important and it must be written with its intended audience in mind. If the intended reader is not apt in the specific topic area then the style and tone, together with the language must be kept more simpler than if the reader was well conversed or an expert in the area. Verbosity does not say more; it is better to write simply, clearly and to the point with correct grammar and transitional

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Atlantis :: essays research papers

Atlantis: We will never know Fantasy is a tough sell in the twentieth century. The world has been fully discovered and fully mapped. Popular media has effectively minimized the legend and the fantastic rumor, though to make up for this it has generated falsities not as lavish but just as interesting. Satellites have mapped and studied the earth, leaving only a space frontier that is as yet unreachable. But standing out is a charming fantasy the modern world has yet to verify or condemn: the lost continent of Atlantis. The father of the modern worlds perception of Atlantis is Plato (circa 428- circa 347 b.c.). (1) The Greek philosopher spoke in his works Timaeus and Critias of a continent in the Atlantic ocean larger than Africa and Asia Minor combined which rivaled Athens as the most advanced in the world. (2) According to the legend surrounding Platos dialogues, the island of Atlantis was violently thrown into the sea by the forces of nature, and its few survivors managed to swim ashore and relate their story. (3) There the legend was passed by word of mouth until an Egyptian priest related the story to Solon, a character in Timaeus. The priest admired the achievements of prehistoric Athenians, because when the rulers of Atlantis threatened to invade all of Europe and Asia the Athenians, on behalf of all Greeks, defeated the Atlanteans to avoid enslavement. (4) The works of Plato opened the floodgates to endless speculation on whether the continent described was fact or fiction. Atlantis has since been placed in Spain, Mongolia, Palestine, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Brazil, Sweden, Greenland and Yucatan. Every nook and cranny of the globe has been hypothesized; mountain peaks, desert lands, the ocean floor and even the barren wasteland of Antarctica have been mentioned in theories. (5) While some of these theories are compatible with Platos works and are within relative reason, numerous crackpot theories have been developed using the lost continent as a basis. One of these theories, posted on the computer internet where it has access to over fifteen million people, talks in twenty-one pages of pre-historical lands with names like Oz and Luxor. These world wide web pages list over two hundred separate articles of proof for the existence of Atlantis, as in the following: (6) Most all ancient civilizations believed in the TITANS, the race of giant humans that inhabited Earth long ago. Different races knew them by different names. These 7 to 12 foot humanoids were thought to be legendary until the excavation of over a dozen skeletons 8 to 12 feet tall, around the world, shocked archeologists. These skeletons were positively human.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Decision Making Paper Essay

This paper examines the correlation between personal, organizational and cultural values. The paper also discusses how these values affect the decision making in individual’s personal and professional lives. Value is a social principal goal or standard held by an individual, class or society. Values are shaped by surrounding situations. Normally the three values are accepted in society such as Personal Value, Organizational Value and Cultural Value. Personal Values are the principals that define human as an individual. Personal values, such as honesty, reliability and trust determine how one will face the world and relate with people. It also consists of caring, courage, creativity, friendliness, honesty, honour, independence, integrity and spirituality. Organizational values are the principals that guide human’s behavior in professional contexts. They define how person work and how he or she relate to co-workers, managers and clients. They also reveal person’s potential of advancement. It also consists of autonomy, competitiveness, conscientiousness, dedication, ethics, loyalty, professionalism, punctuality and team player. Cultural values, like practice of the faith and customs, are principals that sustain connections with person’s cultural roots. They help person feel connected to a larger community of people with similar backgrounds. It also consists of celebration of diversity, ethnic roots, faith, linguistic ties, national ties, regional ties and tradition. Personal, professional and cultural values are connected to each other. These values are something that affects every area of person’s personal and professional lives. In our daily routine we interact with these values very often especially personal values. Personal values are something which we are learning from our childhood. Our parents are the pioneers of these values. They teach us what is correct and what is wrong. As we grow, we take our own decisions but our parents have a great influence in our thought process. I believe this is how we learn how to respect our own personal value when we grow as an adult. Next one is professional values. We begin to learn this value as soon as we enter into the world of independence. Each organization has its own set of rules and regulations. We need to follow those while taking care of our own personal values. At workplace the main important thing is how we interact with co-workers, managers and clients. How you present yourself with others is also very important. Cultural values are something again goes with the personal values. They give importance to the tradition, cultural ethics and your opinion of relating those to the workplace and personal life. In society sometimes people with same backgrounds come together and form a group and share their cultural values. At workplace also sometimes we notice people with same cultural values come together and have better understanding between them. Finding balance between personal, organization and cultural values is very crucial. Many times in our life we need to fight to take the decision based on these three values. For example for me as a woman find the right balance between my personal life with family and professional life is very difficult. Family (kids) comes first while taking any decision for myself even when to decide the right career path and when to start it. For working mother balance between these values plays an important role while taking any decisions. Many times I noticed that one needs to give up on something in order to achieve on whatever he or she wants. Same principal applies to the values. Sometimes professional values overcome personal values but if we can manage both of them and achieve the result we want then that will be a big success. Resolving a conflict by analyzing the situation needs practice but one will achieve this by paying attention and keeping balance between the values. Decision making is a very important process. â€Å"Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. † (Harris Robert, 1997). I believe if we give respect to all the three values equally and give importance to all of them while making a decision then our decision making process will be much easier than we expected and we can keep the right balance in the personal and professional life. We will be able to take correct decisions in life if we start appreciating these values more significantly.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

List of Works by Writer Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen is one of the most famous and controversial writers in world literature. Born in Norway in 1828, his plays would eventually make him a household name. Ibsen is a founder of the Modernist theater movement, a style of theater that focused on domestic interactions. The goal of realism was to create theater that resembled real life and had dialogue that sounded more natural. Ibsen is best known for the play A Dolls House, which deals with the limitations and harsh expectations of women at the time. As a whole, however, his plays broke new ground and earned him the nickname The Father of Realism. Henrik Ibsen List of Works 1850 - Catiline (Catilina)1850 - The Burial Mound, also known as The Warriors Barrow (Kjà ¦mpehà ¸jen)1851 - Norma (Norma)1853 - St. Johns Eve (Sancthansnatten)1854 - Lady Inger of Ostrat (Fru Inger til Østeraad)1855 - The Feast at Solhaug (Gildet paa Solhoug)1856 - Olaf Liljekrans (Olaf Liljekrans)1857 - The Vikings at Helgeland (Hà ¦rmà ¦ndene paa Helgeland)1862 - Loves Comedy (Kjà ¦rlighedens Komedie)1864 - The Pretenders (Kongs-Emnerne)1865 - Brand (Brand)1867 - Peer Gynt (Peer Gynt)1869 - The League of Youth (De unges Forbund)1873 - Emperor and Galilean (Kejser og Galilà ¦er)1877 - Pillars of Society (Samfundets Stà ¸tter)1879 - A Dolls House (Et Dukkehjem)1871 - Poems (Digte), a collection of poetry1881 - Ghosts (Gengangere)1882 - An Enemy of the People (En Folkefiende)1884 - The Wild Duck (Vildanden)1886 - Rosmersholm (Rosmersholm)1888 - The Lady from the Sea (Fruen fra Havet)1890 - Hedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler)1892 - The Master Builder (Bygmester Solness)1896 - John G abriel Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman)1899 - When We Dead Awaken (Nà ¥r vi dà ¸de vaagner)